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Diabetes Update 128: Normal A1C Levels

March 1, 2009

By David Mendosa

Full Moon at Sunset

Full Moon at Sunset

At Windy Mesa near Boulder, Colorado, on January 10

  • My New Diabetes Articles for Health Central:

    So far I have written 359 articles for the Health Central Network about all aspects of diabetes. In February this great website published eight more of my new diabetes articles:

  • Sandwiches Without Bread. If you want to control your carbs, then sandwiches are one of your biggest food problems. But now we have an excellent solution. The best one that I have ever found is soy wrappers.

  • Positive Motivation. Positive motivations work best to control our diabetes in the long run. Negative motivation based on fear of the consequences of uncontrolled diabetes just doesn't keep us doing what we need to do for long. For me the positive motivation is that I feel better than I ever did. I have more energy and am happier and feel more alert. And it gets easier over time. None of this is surprising; it's the direct result of lower blood glucose levels. What are your positive motivations?

  • The First Bluetooth Meter. The MyGlucoHealth from Entra Health Systems is the first blood glucose meter that the FDA has approved. It is a state-of-the-art meter that uses the smallest blood sample, 0.3 microliters, gives us a result in 3 seconds, and requires no coding.

  • The Normal A1C Level. Different experts tell us that quite different A1C levels are "normal." But now we have the results of actual studies of people who don't have diabetes. Their levels range from 4.6 to 6.0. That's the real normal level.

  • The "Fat Head" Movie. Whatever you believe about the best diet to control diabetes, this new documentary "Fat Head" is bound to shake up those beliefs. It will delight you. This is a funny movie that is also informative.

  • Testing Cholesterol at Home. The new Check Up America test from Home Access Health is the only way that we can check our cholesterol levels -- total, HDL (good), and LDL (bad) -- at home. With the same blood sample it also checks our triglyceride levels and A1C.

  • Saving our Brains. A professional journal just published the results of a huge study linking higher blood glucose levels to lower brain function. The good news is that when we control our diabetes not only our bodies but our brains work better.

  • BroccoSprouts. BroccoSprouts have all the health benefits of broccoli without its awful taste. Scientists at Johns Hopkins University in 1992 discovered sulforaphane, which helps us mobilize our natural cancer-fighting resources and reduces risk of developing cancer. The sulforaphane is much more highly concentrated in BroccoSprouts than in broccoli itself.

    Dr. Bernstein's Webcast
    If you have any interest in controlling your diabetes by low-carb eating, one of the best resources is Dr. Richard K. Bernstein's monthly webcast. It's an hour of excellent diabetes education.

    Dr. Bernstein's next live Tele-Seminar is Tuesday, March 24, at 8:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM CST, 6:00 PM MST, and 5:00 PM PST. He designed it to answer your most important questions concerning diabetes and to offer his thoughts on the latest developments in this area. The seminar is free. You can click here to register: It's also available as a live webcast both on the Internet and by phone.


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