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Diabetes Update 142: Gastric Bypass Surgery

May 1, 2010

By David Mendosa

Shooting Star

Bald Eagle

Photograph by Sharon Jewell, Carolyn Holmberg Preserve, January 2009

  • So far I have written 463 articles for the Health Central Network about all aspects of diabetes. In March this website published nine more of my new diabetes articles:

  • Is Gastric Bypass Surgery a Cure? Gastric bypass surgery is getting more and more attention as a potential cure for type 2 diabetes. But it isn't always completely successful.

  • The Rest Trap. A new study indicates that the islet cells in our pancreas might not get enough oxygen and cause diabetes if we lie down in the two hours after we eat.

  • The Trouble with Naps. Some people who regularly take naps after a meal increase their risk of diabetes by 28 to 36 percent, according to a study just published.

  • Life Without Emotion. Those of us who have diabetes think a lot of the time about the special problems that we face. We need to see more clearly the value of emotion in our lives, and I think that this little poem can help.

  • Don't Let Hospitals Ruin Your Control. Few if any hospitals will respect our needs to control our blood glucose, unless you insist. You can use this letter template by Dr. Richard K. Bernstein to make them behave.

  • Losing Weight with a Hydrogen. At the April meeting of the American Association of Clinical Educators, which I attended for HealthCentral, a company unveiled something that promises to make losing weight a lot easier.

  • Education Helps in A1C and Weight Control. Your best help in reducing your A1C and your weight could be to work with a Certified Diabetes Educator and a nutritionist. That's the implication of a study presented at the April meeting of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists in Boston.

  • The Complexity of Health Care. The keynote address to the April meeting of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists in Boston by Dr. Atul Gawande spoke on "Beyond Reform: Facing the Complexity of Health Care." The key word is complexity.

  • Who the Empowered Health Seekers Are. The odds are that you haven't yet fully empowered your search for good health. I know this about you because a couple of months ago HealthCentral surveyed 2,888 of its registered members who have one of eight chronic conditions, including diabetes.

Mindfulness Meditation

This month I would like to introduce my friend, Shelly Young from Boulder, Colorado. She is an excellent mindfulness meditation instructor and psychotherapist and teaches a wonderful method that is quite unique and powerful. Shinzen Young, a well-known and popular teacher, created the method that Shelly teaches.

I have been doing it myself for months. It has been extraordinarily helpful for relieving stress and pain as will as offering me a true sense of deep peacefulness.

Shelly used the techniques to overcome a serious eating disorder that included a devastating sugar/carb addiction. She recently co-authored the book, Break Out of The Sugar Prison.

As both a psychotherapist and addiction counselor, she integrates the mindfulness method into her private practice. She is also a national speaker teaching continuing education seminars to psychotherapists throughout the United States.

Shelly offers introductory telephone conference classes on a regular basis, and I post the schedule for those as well as for her national seminars below. She also offers phone consultations and phone counseling. Even though the national seminars are offered to psychotherapists, anyone may attend and benefit from them.

The techniques that Shelly teaches are excellent for diabetes. Research has demonstrated that mindfulness reduces the levels of cortisol (a stress hormone), which affect blood glucose levels. It's also excellent for anxiety, addiction, eating disorders, depression, trauma, pain, insomnia, and other suffering issues.

I recommend Shelly's classes because they can dramatically change your life for the better. Shelly is also a writer for HealthCentral and writes mostly about mindfulness as an adjunct to diabetes self-care.


Introduction to the Basic Mindfulness Telephone Conference Class
Saturday, June 12, 2010. Registration at MindfulnessNow

Introduction to Basic Mindfulness for Addictive Behavior Telephone Conference Class
Sunday, June 13, 2010. Registration at MindfulnessNow (Registration begins soon)

National Seminar Schedule: Registration at CrossCountryEducation or call 1-800-397-0180:

May 4, 2010: Spokane, Washington
May 5, 2010: Portland, Oregon
May 6, 2010: Seattle, Washington
May 18, 2010: Melbourne, Florida
May 19, 2010: West Palm Beach, Florida
May 20, 2010: Miami, Florida
June 2, 2010: Madison, Wisconsin
June 3, 2010: Appleton, Wisconsin
June 4, 2010: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Dr. Bernstein's Webcast

If you have any interest in controlling your diabetes by low-carb eating, one of the best resources is Dr. Richard K. Bernstein's monthly webcast. It's an hour of excellent diabetes education.

Dr. Bernstein's next live Tele-Seminar is Wednesday, May 26, at 8:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM CST, 6:00 PM MST, and 5:00 PM PST. He designed it to answer your most important questions concerning diabetes and to offer his thoughts on the latest developments in this area. Dr. Bernstein's special topic this time is “A Sad Consequence of Autonomic Neuropathy.” The seminar is free. You can click here to register: It's also available as a live webcast both on the Internet and by phone.

Searching for My Articles

Whenever you want to find anything that I have written about diabetes -- whether on my website or on the Health Central Network -- the easiest way is to use the search tool on my site. You can search for all of the articles on my site or for the "Diabetes Developments" blog or the "Fitness and Photography for Fun" blog or what I have written at Health Central.

Just go to and check which one of the four sites you want to search and enter what you want to find in the search block.


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