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diabetes supplement

Diabetes Update 163: Bydureon Approved

February 1, 2012

By David Mendosa


A Snowy Owl Flies

This is our Largest Owl Species, Seldom Seen in
the Lower 48

During the Current Irruption I Saw It Near Barr Lake,
Colorado, on January 8, 2012

  • My New Diabetes Articles for HealthCentral:

    Last month HealthCentral published six more of my diabetes articles about all aspects of the condition:

    How would you like to manage your  diabetes and your weight with a single injection a week? That dream is finally a reality.
    The first new meter from the country's top meter manufacturer has a brand new feature, pattern recognition. People with  diabetes who use insulin will find this especially useful.
    Telcare: A Good Call for Reporting Blood Glucose This month also saw the introduction of a new meter with some great and different features. What it does are two big things that for years I have advocated for: (1) a way for us to easily separate out our levels before and after meals so we can chart our trends and (2) an easy way for us to automatically upload our blood glucose levels.

    Paula Deen's Critics People all over the country are attacking poor Paula Deen, the southern cooking show host. But their attacks on her recipes are all wrong.

    Dr. Bernstein's Big Book The fourth edition of Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution is a major updateof his signature work. It covers new drugs for treating Type 2 diabetes, including what works and how to use them. He tells how we can curb our carb cravings and the resultant weight gain by using new amylin analogues. The book considers the pros and cons of inhaled insulin, insulin pumps, and continuous blood sugar monitors as well as how to make sense out of the many new insulin a! nalogues and insulin mixtures, with special attention to a problem that many people who have hypoglycemic unawareness have, the fact that we no longer can get any long-lasting human insulins. He also wisely debunks the exaggerated claims for new diabetes products. At the same time he highlights those of value.

    Diabetes  is difficult. All the more reason for us to smile. When we smile, we can't help feeling happier.
  • Fitness and Photograph for Fun:

    Last month I published four more of my articles on staying fit by getting the activity we need. Photography is what does it for me:
    A Downy Woodpecker
    The last light of day was beautiful, and all that I then sought was a bird. And walking down a side trail, I found one of our smallest woodpeckers. A male Downy Woodpecker was pecking away in a small cottonwood right next to the trail and was oblivious to me. Just before the light faded, I got off 275 shots in three minutes flat.

    Feeding the Ducks
    When I went out to feed the ducks at Tantra Lake, all but one came running to me. The ones that waddled or flew right to me were Mallards, who knew me well. The one that stayed put was an American Wigeon, a newcomer to Tantra Lake.

    Snowy Owls
    This year's historic irruption of Snowy Owls even sent some of them as far south as Colorado. I finally saw two of them on a snowy field 40 miles east of my home in Boulder.

    Common Birds
    Just because a bird is a common species doesn't mean that I ignore it. Even the commonplace can be beautiful.

  • New Flickr Site

    I keep added some of my favorites nature photographs on In the past month I have added several more. You can find them the easiest way by clicking here.

  • Dr. Bernstein's Webcast
    If you have any interest in controlling your diabetes by low-carb eating, one of the best resources is Dr. Richard K. Bernstein's monthly webcast. It's an hour of excellent diabetes education.

    Dr. Bernstein's next live webcast will be on Wednesday, February 29, 2012, at 7 p.m. CST, 8 p.m. EST, 6 p.m. MST, and 5 p.m. PST. He designed it to answer your most important questions concerning diabetesand to offer his thoughts on the latest developments in this area. The special topic for this webcast will be "Do you think you are too thin? How to gain weight without disrupting your blood sugars."

    If you missed it or want to hear it again, you will be able to hear Dr. Bernstein's January webcast until February 10. To listen to the replay, click this link: 

    The special topic of the January webcast was "Is Glucose a Continuous Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Mortality."  

  • Searching for My Articles

    Whenever you want to find anything that I have written about diabetes -- whether on my website or on the Health Central Network -- the easiest way is to use the search tool on my site. You can search for all of the articles on my site or for the "Diabetes Developments" blog or the "Fitness and Photography for Fun" blog or what I have written at Health Central.

    Just go to and check which one of the four sites you want to search and enter what you want to find in the search block.


  • Health Central
    The Health Central Network will now notify you by email of new articles (SharePosts) by me or anyone who posts at Just click on "Subscribe" at the top of each of my articles or on my "Profile" page.

    Each month I describe and link my new Health Central articles here. But you can also use a blog reader to keep up with my articles more quickly. I use Bloglines, as I describe in my article, “Reading Health Blogs.

  • This Newsletter:
    1. Is and will remain free.
    2. Will never include advertising (except targeted Google ads at the bottom of the web page and not in the email newsletter).
    3. Nor will I ever sell, rent, or trade your email address to anyone.
    4. I will link sources of information.
    5. I will disclose any conflict of interest.
    6. If and when I learn of any errors of fact, I will correct them.
  • Archives: I now send out Diabetes Update once a month.

  • Previous issues are online at Older Issues.
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