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David Mendosa's Top Ten Internet Resources

By David Mendosa

Last Update: December 6, 2004

We realize that you are interested in learning more about diabetes management so we have gone to Internet expert David Mendosa for recommendations on resources available on-line. Rick has pulled together his "Top Ten" list of the best places on the Internet to find information about diabetes. Mendosa's master directory of all the Internet resources for people with diabetes—15 Web pages starting with On-line Diabetes Resources Part 1: Non-Web Sites—includes more than 800 sites. That means the 10 sites selected here are the best of the best.

From Amira's Web Site.

DISCLAIMER: Amira Medical does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on other web sites. The web links listed below are for informational purposes only and are not intended to provide medical advice or a substitute for medical consultation. See your physician to evaluate your diabetes management needs.

Web Sites

1. American Diabetes Association

The American Diabetes Association (ADA), headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, is the nation's leading nonprofit health organization providing diabetes research, information, and advocacy—and its Web site reflects that position.

The Association's site contains information for people with diabetes, their friends and family members, people at risk for the disease, and healthcare and research professionals. This is the largest diabetes site on the Web.

The ADA's website has several features that change daily, including the Recipe of the Day and the Diabetes Tip of the Day. David Mendosa's column on the ADA's website, "About the Internet," changes every two weeks.

2. NIDDK Health Information: Diabetes

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK) has the most authoritative word on diabetes. As a part of the National Institutes of Health, this official U.S. government site has a straightforward approach to presenting information about diabetes. While many of the documents here are exactly the same as those available on paper, they are much easier to obtain.

Here for the taking are dozens of publications on everything from "Financial Help for Diabetes Care" to "Pancreatic Islet Transplantation." For those just diagnosed with diabetes "Do Your Level Best" is a good place to start learning about your diabetes. For a comprehensive look at the disease, probably the longest on-line document about diabetes is the 733-page book "Diabetes in America."

3. Diabetes123

The popular Children with Diabetes Web site, broadens its focus to all of diabetes with the new Diabetes123 site. Both sites pack a tremendous amount of information into some 8,000 Web pages, second in size only to the ADA's website.

Diabetes123 and Children with Diabetes now have essentially the same content. Most of their pages are questions to a diabetes team of professional experts. This team has answers to more than 6,000 different questions on-line.

4. Diabetes Monitor

Started by an endocrinologist, the webmaster of Diabetes Monitor is now Stephanie Schwartz, R.N., M.P.H., C.D.E., a Clinical Nurse Specialist. This site is also associated with Diabetes123 and Children with Diabetes. The Diabetes Monitor has more than 260 Web pages including the Diabetes Mentor section, which is a large collection of pages on diabetes for patients and their families. Especially interesting are pages on current and upcoming medications and research. See too the "cyberquackery" page to help you evaluate health care information on the Internet. Another section of the Diabetes Monitor includes a large and well-organized collection of links to other diabetes-related sites.

5. David Mendosa's Diabetes Directory

David Mendosa's Diabetes Directory serves a dual purpose. First, it provides links and brief descriptions of the several hundred articles, columns, and Web pages that he has written about diabetes. His articles on the glycemic index are the most popular part of this site. Then, it provides links to the 800 or so other Web sites that have substantial information on diabetes.

6. is an attractively presented diabetes resource that is slowly increasing its content. Sponsored by Aventis Pharmaceuticals Inc., the site has no advertising and doesn’t even mention the oral hypoglycemic agents and insulin that this company markets.

7. Diabetes Learning Lab

As of December 6, 2004, this site is no longer online.

8. HealthTalk Interactive Diabetes Education Network

As of December 6, 2004, this site is no longer online.

Other Internet Resources

Some of the best resources on the Internet don't use the Web at all. Rather, they use older parts of the Internet, mailing lists sent by e-mail and newsgroups.

9. The Diabetes Mailing List

Probably the most focused of the 100 or so mailing lists on diabetes, the Diabetes mailing list benefits from the continued presence of an endocrinologist, Dr. Arturo Rolla, who actively contributes to the list.

You can subscribe by sending an email to [email protected] or you can browse to and join from there. There are so many messages on this list that unless you are an active participant in the dialogue, you need to make sure that you subscribe in digest form. This way you will receive just two or three emails per day, but these messages consist of all the day's messages.

10. The Newsgroup

Newcomers to the Internet who have diabetes often start with the newsgroups, which are easier to subscribe to than mailing lists and less bewildering than the Web. Recently, has become the most active on-line meeting place for people with diabetes. It has passed, which had been the most active ever since it was established in 1993. But partly because of the argumentative nature of several people on that group, most of the action has shifted to the more welcoming 

This article originally appeared on the Amira Medical Web site at before Roche purchased Amira and closed the site.

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