My most recent articles are:
- My New Diabetes Articles for Health Central
So far I have written more than 200 articles for Health Central about all aspects of diabetes. In September they published eight more of my new diabetes articles:- Remote Blood Glucose Tracking .
The Eocene Virtual Tracker provides the easiest way I’ve ever tested to send your blood glucose data to people who need to see it. You just plug it into your phone line, slip the Eclipse meter into its cradle, and off your data goes.
- Drinking Calories . A new study demonstrates that when we take our food in liquid form rather than in a solid one, we consume more calories that day. It seems our bodies are hard-wired for liquids to satisfy our thirst, but not our hunger. After all, the only drink our distant ancestors knew about was water.
- Testing AGEs. A company in Albuquerque is developing a device that uses fluorescence to non-invasively measure advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) in the skin. Testing our levels of AGEs is something that all of us can use, particularly those of us with diabetes. The higher your level of AGEs the higher your risk of cardiovascular complications.
- Dreamfields Calories. It looks like the protected carbohydrates in Dreamfields Pasta actually contribute about half the level of regular carbs since they behave like a soluble fiber. This reduces the calories that are actually absorbed in a serving from 190 to about 130.
- Accu-Chek Smart Pix Device Reader . Roche’s new device is a great way for people with diabetes and their health care team to view and analyze blood glucose or insulin pump data quickly and conveniently. It includes both the new low and high blood glucose indices as well as the standard deviation. These are the best tools we currently have to measure glycemic variability.
- Health and Wealth. Our health is connected to our economics and finances. When we have too little, it’s too hard to take care of our health. Both money and good health increase the potential to do what you want to do.
- Helping Spouses. How can you help your spouse take better care of himself or herself? Some people try by asked me to intercede. But the best strategy is to show your partner with diabetes how to control it by eating sensibly, losing weight, and exercising. These are what everyone, whether he or she has diabetes or not, needs to do in order to maximize his or her health.
- Is Diabetes Progressive?. Diabetes is certainly progressive when treated with the same tired advice the experts have been handing us forever. But diabetes is not progressive with the right diet and enough exercise. Some people think that’s hard. But it’s actually easy, because good health makes everything easier.
Do Elk Kiss?
They Seemed to in Rocky Mountain National Park on September 27, 2007 - Remote Blood Glucose Tracking .
The Eocene Virtual Tracker provides the easiest way I’ve ever tested to send your blood glucose data to people who need to see it. You just plug it into your phone line, slip the Eclipse meter into its cradle, and off your data goes.
Dietary AGE Intervention Study:
The Division of Experimental Diabetes and Aging at The Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City is seeking healthy nonsmokers, aged 18-35 or 60 and above to participate in a study that explores a new approach to diet and its effects on disease. This study will randomize subjects to follow either a regular or a low AGE diet (they will instruct you how to do it at home) for four months. Then, they will measure the effect of this intervention on several blood and urine parameters as well as in non-invasive cardiovascular tests.
You will be asked to provide a urine and blood sample, complete a three-day food diary and participate in other non-invasive vascular tests. Participants will be compensated for travel. For information please call: 1 (212)241-2567.
Dr. Bernstein’s Webcast:
The next “Ask Dr. Bernstein” webcast and teleconference call is scheduled for October 25. Just go to and register for the call. It’s free.
Dr. Richard K. Bernstein will be teaching medical professionals his treatment methods on a nine-day CME cruise to the Caribbean next March. He has never offered anything like this before. You can find detailed information at
Inspired By Diabetes: is a global campaign designed to bring diabetes to the world’s attention. The site is also the sponsor of the Creative Expression Competition, which asks anyone who has been touched by the disease to share his or her story through some sort of artistic work. The Grand Prize winners in two categories — U.S. and global — will each receive a US$5,000 contribution to charity and a trip to the U.S. or global Inspired by Diabetes art exhibition. There are more details about the campaign and contest at
Research Study on Stress:
My correspondent Alison writes that she and her associates are seeking people to type 1 diabetes to take part in a research study to better understand how different methods of dealing with stress can impact the health and functioning of people with diabetes. It is their goal to better understand the relationship between stress and health in people with type 1 diabetes.
This research study will be conducted entirely online. You can do it from the convenience of your own home and at the times that would be easiest for you. If you are interested in learning more details about this study, and possibly participating, please go to or email them at [email protected].
Taking Control Broadcasts:
Taking Control of Your Diabetes (TCOYD) has begun broadcasting 12 new episodes of the Taking Control of Your Diabetes television series on educational access cable channels through the University of California and DISH in most areas. The dynamic and renowned diabetes specialist Steven V. Edelman, MD, hosts these half-hour, commercial-free programs.
The shows this season will present serious discussions on hypoglycemia, sleep apnea, insulin management, and other conditions that affect both diabetic and non-diabetic populations along with more informal and humorous sides of life such as a kid’s point-of-view of diabetes and traveling with diabetes.
Last season’s episodes are now available for purchase from These episodes featured guests such as international chef Chris Smith and William Polonsky, Ph.D., author of Diabetes Burnout.
Talking about Diabetes Survey:
Although many people have diabetes, very little is known about the everyday talks we have about diabetes with friends or family. Talking can be important because it’s part of what makes us feel more, or sometimes even less, supported or understood by others.
This research study by Cat McGrew, a doctoral candidate in Ohio State University’s School of Communication, is hoping to learn more about all of this. Cat is conducting a confidential online survey about people’s experiences in talking about diabetes.
“I'm seeking people over 18 years old with type 1 or type 2 diabetes to participate,” Cat tells me. “We’re interested in the views of someone WITH diabetes AND of a close friend, family member, or spouse. This will help us understand how the other person feels when talking about diabetes too. Either person can take the survey, even if the other one doesn’t. This research is being conducted as part of my doctoral dissertation, and has been reviewed and approved by my university. If you wish, I’ll send you a summary of the results once it’s completed.”
To participate or ask questions, please send an email with a subject line of “SURVEY” to [email protected]
Envision Solutions and Trusted.MD have launched the second comprehensive survey of the global healthcare blogging community. It will be running until October 15. It is open to individuals and organizations that devote at least 30 percent of their blogging time to healthcare-related topics. To learn more about the poll go to:
- Use Full Screen and Set Display Properties Correctly
Be sure to display any articles on my website in full screen mode. Otherwise, the targeted ads will cover some of the text of my articles. This also happens to some people who do use full screen mode. Upon careful investigation it happens when you set display properties inappropriately. - Health Central
The Health Central Network continues to get better and better. It will now notified you by email of new articles (SharePosts) by me or anyone who posts at Just click on “Subscribe” wherever you see that button there. The new software also now permits threaded replies to comments. So you will see more replies from me than I have posted since the major site revamp on March 1.Each month I describe and link my new Health Central articles here. But you can also use a blog reader to keep up with my articles more quickly. I use Bloglines, as I describe in my article, “Reading Health Blogs.” Go to, click on feeds, click on add, (both in left pane), then in center pane enter at “Blog or Feed URL” click on Alternatively, you can subscribe to my new articles at Health Central by taking your browser to
- This Newsletter
Diabetes Update keeps you up-to-date with new articles, Web pages, and books that I have written about diabetes.I list and link most of these on my at Diabetes Directory and in the site’s menu at the upper left of all my Web pages.
From time to time Diabetes Update may also include links to other Web pages of special interest.
- HTML Format
I send out Diabetes Update email in HTML format, which all Web browsers and most modern email programs can display. HTML has live links to all the sites named in the text so that with a simple click of a mouse you can connect to the site you have just been reading about. - My Guarantee
This newsletter:- Is and will remain free.
- Will never include advertising (except targeted Google ads at the bottom of the web page and not in the email newsletter).
- Nor will I ever sell, rent, or trade your email address to anyone.
- I will link sources of information.
- I will disclose any conflict of interest.
- If and when I learn of any errors of fact, I will correct them.
I now send out
Diabetes Update once a month. Previous issues are online:
- Diabetes Update Number 1: Diabetes Genes of December 10, 2000
- Diabetes Update Number 2: DiabetesWATCH of December 18, 2000
- Diabetes Update Number 3: Starlix of January 3, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 4: Native Seeds/SEARCH, Tepary Beans of January 17, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 5: Insulin Makes You Fat of January 31, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 6: Available and Unavailable Carbohydrates of February 15, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 7: Dates of March 1, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 8: Quackwatch of March 15, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 9: The Cost of Insulin of March 30, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 10: Sof-Tact Meter of April 2, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 11: iControlDiabetes of April 16, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 12: Cinnamon, Tagatose of May 2, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 13: Glycemic Index of May 15, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 14: Eat Your Carrots! of May 31, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 15: Glycemic Load of June 21, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 16: Homocysteine of July 2, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 17: Chana Dal Tips of July 15, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 18: Lag Time in AlternativeLand of August 2, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 19: Fiber of August 15, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 20: How Diabetes Works of August 30, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 21: Insulin Resistance of September 14, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 22: Trans Fats, Honey, CU of October 1, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 23: Pedometer Power of October 15, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 24: Is Glycerin a Carbohydrate? of October 31, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 25: Kill the Meter to Save It of November 15, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 26: Protein, Fat, and the GI of December 1, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 27: Insulin Index of December 14, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 28: Fructose of January 4, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 29: Aspirin of January 14, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 30: Stevia of January 31, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 31: Gretchen Becker’s Book of February 19, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 32: The UKPDS of March 4, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 33: Financial Aid of March 18, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 34: Pre-Diabetes of April 1, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 35: More Glycemic Indexes of April 15, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 36: Gila Monsters of April 30, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 37: Is INGAP a Cure? of May 15, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 38: Native American Diabetes of June 3, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 39: FDA Diabetes of June 19, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 40: Diabetes Support Groups of July 1, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 41: New GI and GL Table of July 15, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 42: Diabetes Sight of August 1, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 43: DrugDigest of August 18, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 44: Hanuman Garden of September 3, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 45: Guidelines of September 16, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 46: Trans Fat of October 4, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 47: Nutrition.Gov of October 16, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 48: Our Hearts of October 31, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 49: Our Kidneys of November 15, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 50: A1C<7 of December 2, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 51: Diabetes Searches with Google of December 16, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 52: e-Patients of January 2, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 53: Email News of January 16, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 54: Third Generation Meters of January 31, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 55: Hypoglycemic Supplies of February 14, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 56: Food Police of March 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 57: Vitamins of April 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 58: Lancets of May 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 59: Accurate Meters of June 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 60: Chromium of July 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 61: Traveling of August 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 62: My Book of September 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 63: Hot Tubs of October 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 64: Home A1C Testing of November 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 65: Detemir of December 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 66: Erectile Dysfunction of January 1, 2004
- Diabetes Update Number 67: Acidic Foods of February 1, 2004
- Diabetes Update Number 68: Net Carbs of March 1, 2004
- Diabetes Update Number 69: Glycemic Index of April 1, 2004
- Diabetes Update Number 70: Dreamfields Pasta of May 1, 2004
- Diabetes Update Number 71: Cholesterol of June 1, 2004
- Diabetes Update Number 72: Meter News of July 1, 2004
- Diabetes Update Number 73: Pill Splitting of August 1, 2004
- Diabetes Update Number 74: GlucoMON of September 1, 2004
- Diabetes Update Number 75: Coding of October 1, 2004
- Diabetes Update Number 76: Sleep Apnea of November 1, 2004
- Diabetes Update Number 77: Keynote Address of December 1, 2004
- Diabetes Update Number 78: Mangosteen of January 1, 2005
- Diabetes Update Number 79: Noninvasive Dream of February 1, 2005
- Diabetes Update Number 80: Pelikan Sun of March 1, 2005
- Diabetes Update Number 81: Medtronic Monitors of April 1, 2005
- Diabetes Update Number 82: ExtendBars of May 1, 2005
- Diabetes Update Number 83: GlycoMark of June 1, 2005
- Diabetes Update Number 84: My British Book of July 1, 2005
- Diabetes Update Number 85: Disintegrating of August 1, 2005
- Diabetes Update Number 86: Meter Research of September 1, 2005
- Diabetes Update Number 87: Evaluating Meters of October 1, 2005
- Diabetes Update Number 88: When to Test of November 1, 2005
- Diabetes Update Number 89: Blogging of December 1, 2005
- Diabetes Update Number 90: RSS Feed of January 1, 2006
- Diabetes Update Number 91: An Uncommon Doctor of February 1, 2006
- Diabetes Update Number 92: More Blog Entries of March 1, 2006
- Diabetes Update Number 93: Talking Meters of April 1, 2006
- Diabetes Update Number 94: Navigating of May 1, 2006
- Diabetes Update Number 95: Measuring Sweat of June 1, 2006
- Diabetes Update Number 96: The Future of Pumps of July 1, 2006
- Diabetes Update Number 97: Pumping in Real Time of August 1, 2006
- Diabetes Update Number 98: The DexCom Sensor of September 1, 2006
- Diabetes Update Number 99: GlucoTel of October 1, 2006
- Diabetes Update Number 100: Discovery of Byetta of November 1, 2006
- Diabetes Update Number 101: My Diabetes Blog of December 1, 2006
- Diabetes Update Number 102: Stress of January 1, 2007
- Diabetes Update Number 103: UltraMini of February 1, 2007
- Diabetes Update Number 104: Salt of March 1, 2007
- Diabetes Update Number 105: In Memoriam Catherine of April 1, 2007
- Diabetes Update Number 106: Eating Locally of May 1, 2007
- Diabetes Update Number 107: Avandia Anxiety of June 1, 2007
- Diabetes Update Number 108: Pigs of July 1, 2007
- Diabetes Update Number 109: Continuous Testing of August 1, 2007
- Diabetes Update Number 110: How Byetta Works of September 1, 2007