Last month HealthCentral published four more of my diabetes articles about all aspects of the condition:
Three Reasons Why Some People with Diabetes Need to Run or Jog a BIT
One reason is that we will live longer. Another is that it can be quick.
Mindful Diabetes for Less Stress and Better A1C
Mindfulness and Meditation reduce stress. A new study shows that it can also reduce A1C.
Interval Training Cuts Diabetes Blood Sugar
Alternating fast and slow walking helps us with diabetes manage our blood sugar. Moderate walking doesn’t.
Are These 3 Ice Creams Diabetes-Friendly?
Ice cream can be a real treat. It can also do a number on our diabetes blood and weight. Which is best?
Fitness and Photograph for Fun:
Last month I published four more of my articles on staying fit by getting the activity we need. Photography gets me to hike, and hiking keeps me fit:
Lake Isabelle
Beautiful lakes, birds, flowers, and moose with weather to match. Such were the joys of hiking to Lake Isabelle in the Indian Peaks Wilderness.
Louisville's North Open Space
Hiking here was a new experience for me, a rarity in Boulder County. But among its rewards were photographs of hummingbirds in flight.
An insect as interesting and as beautiful as butterflies, dragonflies have such good vision that they are difficult to photograph. But you can, if you sit and wait for them as I did at the lake in front of my apartment.
Wheat Ridge Greenbelt
The birds are back on the Wheat Ridge Greenbelt. And so am I.
Recruiting Adults with Type 2 Diabetes:
"I am a clinical psychology doctoral candidate at the University of South Florida and my research interests are in the area of psychosocial factors and diabetes management," writes Cathy A. Bykowski. She continues:
I am currently recruiting adults with type 2 diabetes to participate in my doctoral dissertation, which will offer a free 8 week internet-based program that will teach participants skills for stress and mood management. It is our hypothesis that the program will not only improve mood and reduce stress, but also result in better diabetes management. The stress and mood management program is something that has been benefitted many people in the past and there is previous research to suggest that decreasing stress also decreases A1c. This free offering of an effective and convenient program is a great opportunity for people living with diabetes. I hope you agree and can help me share information about this study with those that visit your website. I know that you do not share your email lists or place advertisements in your newsletters. However, if there is any way that you would consider it appropriate to mention the study to your readers/visitors, I would be very grateful. The study is completely voluntary and approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of South Florida. The only thing that I gain from others’ participation is the potential to complete my Ph.D. I would be happy to share additional information about the study or discuss any ideas that you have regarding advertising. You can also learn more about the study at www.diabetesstressrelief.com. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Cathy A. Bykowski, M.A.
Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student
Clinical Health Psychology &
Cardiovascular Psychophysiology
Department of Psychology
University of South Florida
4202 East Fowler Avenue, PCD 4118G
Tampa, FL 33620
[email protected].
New Flickr Site
I keep added some of my favorites nature photographs on Flickr.com. In the past month I have added several more. You can find them the easiest way by clicking here.
Dr. Bernstein's Webcast
If you have any interest in controlling your diabetes by low-carb eating, one of the best resources is Dr. Richard K. Bernstein's monthly webcast. It's an hour of excellent diabetes education available free either on the Internet or by phone. You can click here to register http://www.diabetes911.net/askdrb/index.php.
Dr. Bernstein's next live webcast will be on Tuesday, September 23, 2014, at 7PM CST, 8PM EST, 6PM MST, 5PM PST. He designed it to answer your most important questions concerning diabetes and to offer his thoughts on the latest developments in this area.
Searching for My Articles
Whenever you want to find anything that I have written about diabetes -- whether on my website or on HealthCentral Network -- the easiest way is to use the search tool on my site. You can search for all of the articles on my site or for the "Diabetes Developments" blog or the "Fitness and Photography for Fun" blog or what I have written at HealthCentral, which is now a part of Remedy Health Media.
Just go to mendosa.com/search and check which one of the four sites you want to search and enter what you want to find in the search block.
Health CentralThe Health Central Network will now notify you by email of new articles (SharePosts) by me or anyone who posts at HealthCentral.com. Just click on "Subscribe" at the top of each of my articles or on my "Profile" page.
Each month I describe and link my new Health Central articles here. But you can also use a blog reader to keep up with my articles more quickly. I use Bloglines, as I describe in my article, “Reading Health Blogs.”
This Newsletter:- Is and will remain free.
- Will never include advertising (except targeted Google ads at the bottom of the web page and not in the email newsletter).
- Nor will I ever sell, rent, or trade your email address to anyone.
- I will link sources of information.
- I will disclose any conflict of interest.
- If and when I learn of any errors of fact, I will correct them.
Archives: I now send out Diabetes Update once a month. Previous issues are online at Older Issues.