Last month HealthCentral published five more of my diabetes articles about all aspects of the condition:
Skipping Breakfast with Diabetes
People with diabetes almost always want to lose weight. Does skipping breakfast hurt or help? Here’s a new study worth thinking about.
Three Surprises in a New Survey of Blood Glucose Meter Satisfaction
The biggest surprise from the survey was how much Americans with diabetes like their blood glucose meters. Is ignorance bliss?
Dental Infections Are Trouble for Diabetes
An infection of a root of a tooth that had a root canal procedure went undiagnosed for at least a year. As a result, I was not able to have the A1C level that I seek.
Reversing Painful Diabetic Neuropathy
The approved drugs for diabetic peripheral neuropathy are expensive and don’t even reverse this common complication. But you CAN reverse it.
Are You Thankful for Diabetes?
Diabetes is a blessing if you don’t have complications. And if you do, you can reverse most of them.
Fitness and Photograph for Fun:
Last month I published four more of my articles on staying fit by getting the activity we need. Photography gets me to hike, and hiking keeps me fit:
Staunton State Park
This new Colorado state park is a pleasant surprise: beautiful scenery, a wonderful trail, and a rare animal.
Red Rocks Amphitheatre
This is one of the best places to hear concerts and to see birds. But at different times.
Sawhill Ponds Wildlife Preserve
Boulder’s wildlife preserve is a wild landscape in its central section. I finally found a way to go through it on a cold sunny day with frost covering everything.
Belmar Park
This urban park had the beauty I sought when I went to the Denver area this weekend. The scenic landscape includes a lovely lake that had some startlingly beautiful birds.
Your Care Moments:
Your Care Moments is a market research company that focuses on patient healthcare experiences. I have discussed this opportunity with Keith Olsen of the company, and this looks like it will be of value to us. Through paid online surveys, Your Care Moments wants to know about the medications you are taking, the prices you are paying, your doctor’s visits and most importantly, how you feel about these experiences. I have taken a brief survey, and they paid me promptly. This is your chance to have your voice heard and make a few bucks at the same time!
Each survey is a few minutes long and you can make up to $15 per survey. You will be emailed every few weeks with the opportunity to take a survey.Once a survey is completed, your earnings will be sent right to your Paypal account within 3 business days. At no time will you ever be asked to give up your identity as these surveys are anonymous.
In order to qualify for our surveys, you must be 18 years or older and living in the U.S. Anyone can register, but we are focusing on those with conditions such as diabetes.
Please visit them at www.yourcaremoments.com in order to register. You can also email [email protected] with any questions.
I keep added some of my favorites nature photographs on Flickr.com. In the past month I have added several more. You can find them the easiest way by clicking here.
Dr. Bernstein's Webcast
If you have any interest in controlling your diabetes by low-carb eating, one of the best resources is Dr. Richard K. Bernstein's monthly webcast. It's an hour of excellent diabetes education available free either on the Internet or by phone. You can click here to register http://www.diabetes911.net/askdrb/index.php.
Dr. Bernstein's next live webcast will be on Tuesday, December 30, 2014, at 7PM CST, 8PM EST, 6PM MST, 5PM PST. He designed it to answer your most important questions concerning diabetes and to offer his thoughts on the latest developments in this area.
Searching for My Articles
Whenever you want to find anything that I have written about diabetes -- whether on my website or on HealthCentral Network -- the easiest way is to use the search tool on my site. You can search for all of the articles on my site or for the "Diabetes Developments" blog or the "Fitness and Photography for Fun" blog or what I have written at HealthCentral, which is now a part of Remedy Health Media.
Just go to mendosa.com/search and check which one of the four sites you want to search and enter what you want to find in the search block.
Health CentralThe Health Central Network will now notify you by email of new articles (SharePosts) by me or anyone who posts at HealthCentral.com. Just click on "Subscribe" at the top of each of my articles or on my "Profile" page.
Each month I describe and link my new Health Central articles here. But you can also use a blog reader to keep up with my articles more quickly. I use Bloglines, as I describe in my article, “Reading Health Blogs.”
This Newsletter:- Is and will remain free.
- Will never include advertising (except targeted Google ads at the bottom of the web page and not in the email newsletter).
- Nor will I ever sell, rent, or trade your email address to anyone.
- I will link sources of information.
- I will disclose any conflict of interest.
- If and when I learn of any errors of fact, I will correct them.
Archives: I now send out Diabetes Update once a month. Previous issues are online at Older Issues.