This newsletter keeps you up-to-date with new articles, Web pages, and books that I have written.
- I list and link most of these on my Diabetes Directory at and in the site’s menu.
- From time to time Diabetes Update may also include links to other Web pages of special interest.
My most recent contributions are:
- Erectile Dysfunction
Before Viagra burst on the scene eight years ago, they called it impotence. Now it is merely erectile dysfunction, since it is a function that can usually be restored. If one drug doesn’t do it, a couple of others probably will.Levitra has been available for several months. Cialis came on the market last month. All of these drugs are quite similar in the way they work. The biggest difference is when they work.
Whether it is impotence or erectile dysfunction, it is one of the biggest complications of diabetes. We haven’t talked about it much — until now. You can read my new article on erectile dysfunction at
- The Hunt for the Hormone Responsible for Diabetes
Since 60 percent of all Americans are overweight and just 6 percent have diabetes, it’s clear that obesity doesn’t cause diabetes. Yet there is a close, not well-understood relationship.We now understand it better. Scientists at the Eleanor Roosevelt Institute in Denver found that diabetes in obese mice requires the melanocyte-stimulating hormone, which is made by the proopiomelanocortin (POMC) gene that is found in both mice and humans. Mice without the MSH hormone were obese, but did not develop diabetes.
There’s more. These mice didn’t induce any glucagon. The absence of glucagon looks like hypersensitivity to insulin, leading earlier researchers to think that type 2 diabetes is caused by insulin resistance instead.
It’s a complicated story that is hard to follow in their printed article. But researcher Miles Brennan explained the research in an interview with me. You can read my article about it at - Buyer’s Guide for Pedometers
If walking is the best exercise for people with diabetes, a pedometer is the best gadget to encourage you to get going and measure your miles. The problem is that there are hundreds of different pedometers on the market, each with different functions and capabilities. The place to start your search for the one that is right for you is my new article in Diabetes Wellness News, which is also available online at
- Exenatide Trials
The drug based on gila monster venom is crawling closer to market. The second of three Phase 3 trials of exenatide (synthetic exendin-4) produced dramatic results — lower A1C levels coupled with weight loss. Amylin Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Eli Lilly and Company plan on asking the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for approval in about six months.That’s part of the good news. The bad news is that the drug requires two shots per day. Ouch!
The other good news is Exenatide LAR (Long Acting Release) might allow once-a-week to once-a-month administration. That version of the drug is in Phase 2 trials.
Amylin’s website has more at
Book Review:
- 15-Minute Low-Carb Recipes
As a beginning cook, there is nothing I would like more than a cookbook that will tell me how I can prepare a delicious meal with little effort. I call myself a beginning cook, because I now do my share of cooking at home. My inspiration was Dana Carpender’s outstanding 500 Low-Carb Recipes, which I reviewed here two months ago.I follow a low-GI rather than a low-carb diet, but certainly have nothing against low-carb recipes. Low-carb is what these two books have in common. The idea of getting in and out of the kitchen quickly makes Dana’s new book especially exciting to me.
That’s why I was disappointed when the book arrived and I began to study it. The recipes are certainly quick and clearly low-carb. That’s not something that I would fault. They just do not excite me.
I’m mostly in to cooking vegetable soups and stews these days, and these one-dish meals might seem to be perfect candidates for a cookbook such as this, but there are no stews and only a few thin soups offered here. I guess what I really like is the complex taste of slow-simmering stews, which are impossible in the 15-minute time limit.
The bigger problem is that since I work at home I can be in and out of the kitchen all day, unlike most people who have to drive miles to get to their office. For those people this book will be a lot more valuable. Indeed, the book’s reviews on are uniformly positive. So if you, unlike me, are busy and committed to eating low-carb, this is another cookbook that you probably should check out.
Dana Carpender’s 15-Minute Low-Carb Recipes, published in October 2003 by Fair Winds Press in Gloucester, Massachusetts, for $17.95, is a 253-page trade paperback.

Dana’s Latest but Not Greatest
Research News:
- Poorer Control
Researchers report that only 35.8 percent of U.S. adults with type 2 diabetes have an A1C level below 7.0 percent. Along with the American Diabetes Association, they call that being in control, although a growing number of people would say that the level would have to be below 6.5 percent or even below 6.0 percent.The analysis is based on the initial release of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999 to 2000. Compared to the earlier NHANES III for 1988 to 1994, our control is getting worse. In the earlier survey 44.5 percent of us were in control by their standard.
Strangely, this decline parallels more aggressive therapy. People relying on diet alone declined from 27.4 to 20.2 percent. Use of oral medication went up from 45.4 to 52.5 percent, and the number of those of us on both orals and insulin shot up from 3.1 to 11.0 percent. Those on insulin only dropped from 24.2 to 16.4 percent. That means total insulin users were practically unchanged from 27.3 to 27.4 percent.
The numbers for insulin and oral use are a substantial change from previously available data reported in Chapter 25, “Therapy for Diabetes” by Brian J. Fertig, MD; David A. Simmons, MD; and Donald B. Martin, MD in Diabetes in America, Second Edition, online at They report in Table 25.2, based on the 1989 National Health Interview Survey, that of U.S. adults with NIDDM (now called type 2 diabetes) 18 years and older 39.4 percent used insulin and 52.0 percent used orals.
The big question is why our control is getting worse. Could it have something to do with the larger portion sizes of the meals we eat? That’s a cultural reality and whether we like it or now, we are a part of that larger culture.
The research is “Glycemic Control From 1988 to 2000 Among U.S. Adults Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes: A preliminary report” by Carol E. Koro et al. in the January 2004 issue of Diabetes Care, pp. 17-20. The abstract is online at
- HTML Format
I send out Diabetes Update e-mail in HTML format, which all Web browsers and most modern e-mail programs can display. HTML has live links to all the sites named in the text so that with a simple click of a mouse you can connect to the site you have just been reading about. - My Guarantee
This newsletter is free and will never include advertising. Nor will I ever sell, rent, or trade your e-mail address to anyone.
I now send out Diabetes Update once a month. Previous issues are online:
- Diabetes Update Number 1: Diabetes Genes of December 10, 2000
- Diabetes Update Number 2: DiabetesWATCH of December 18, 2000
- Diabetes Update Number 3: Starlix of January 3, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 4: Native Seeds/SEARCH, Tepary Beans of January 17, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 5: Insulin Makes You Fat of January 31, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 6: Available and Unavailable Carbohydrates of February 15, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 7: Dates of March 1, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 8: Quackwatch of March 15, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 9: The Cost of Insulin of March 30, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 10: Sof-Tact Meter of April 2, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 11: iControlDiabetes of April 16, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 12: Cinnamon, Tagatose of May 2, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 13: Glycemic Index of May 15, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 14: Eat Your Carrots! of May 31, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 15: Glycemic Load of June 21, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 16: Homocysteine of July 2, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 17: Chana Dal Tips of July 15, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 18: Lag Time in AlternativeLand of August 2, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 19: Fiber of August 15, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 20: How Diabetes Works of August 30, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 21: Insulin Resistance of September 14, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 22: Trans Fats, Honey, CU of October 1, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 23: Pedometer Power of October 15, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 24: Is Glycerin a Carbohydrate? of October 31, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 25: Kill the Meter to Save It of November 15, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 26: Protein, Fat, and the GI of December 1, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 27: Insulin Index of December 14, 2001
- Diabetes Update Number 28: Fructose of January 4, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 29: Aspirin of January 14, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 30: Stevia of January 31, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 31: Gretchen Becker’s Book of February 19, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 32: The UKPDS of March 4, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 33: Financial Aid of March 18, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 34: Pre-Diabetes of April 1, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 35: More Glycemic Indexes of April 15, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 36: Gila Monsters of April 30, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 37: Is INGAP a Cure? of May 15, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 38: Native American Diabetes of June 3, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 39: FDA Diabetes of June 19, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 40: Diabetes Support Groups of July 1, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 41: New GI and GL Table of July 15, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 42: Diabetes Sight of August 1, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 43: DrugDigest of August 18, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 44: Hanuman Garden of September 3, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 45: Guidelines of September 16, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 46: Trans Fat of October 4, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 47: Nutrition.Gov of October 16, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 48: Our Hearts of October 31, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 49: Our Kidneys of November 15, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 50: A1C<7 of December 2, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 51: Diabetes Searches with Google of December 16, 2002
- Diabetes Update Number 52: e-Patients of January 2, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 53: Email News of January 16, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 54: Third Generation Meters of January 31, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 55: Hypoglycemic Supplies of February 14, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 56: Food Police of March 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 57: Vitamins of April 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 58: Lancets of May 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 59: Accurate Meters of June 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 60: Chromium of July 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 61: Traveling of August 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 62: My Book of September 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 63: Hot Tubs of October 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 64: Home A1C Testing of November 1, 2003
- Diabetes Update Number 65: Detemir of December 1, 2003
This is a one-way “broadcast” mailing list that is not set up to accept replies. If you have any questions or wish to unsubscribe, simply write me at [email protected]. If your friends want to receive Diabetes Update, all they have to do is write me here
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